
Serial No. Date Notices
1 14-10-2020 Notice for sanction and release of recurring grant to VTCs based on online requisition (1st phase)
2 14-10-2020 Notice for extension of online submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 and subsequent online Requisition for Recurring Grant in iOSMS portal
3 12-10-2020 List of 234 pending VTCs (manual submission of long pending UC) verified up to 09.10.2020,not yet received
4 09-10-2020 NotifiNotification for Release of Further Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for 33 VTCs In the Financial Year 2020-21cation For Real
5 05-10-2020 Notification of Online submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 and subsequent online requisition for Recurring Grant in iOSMS portal
6 05-10-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for 59 VTCs in the Financial Year 2020-21
7 05-10-2020 List of 253 pending recurring UC VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 05.10.2020 verified up to 04.10.2020
8 01-10-2020 List of 278 pending recurring UC VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 01.10.2020 verified up to 30.09.2020 including pending correct non-recurring UC, yet to receive manually
9 30-09-2020 Commencement of Online Registration and Examination Enrollment Form Fill up for HS Level HS Voc Courses of class-XI students admitted at VTCs in the session 2020-21
10 30-09-2020 List of 282 pending recurring UC VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 30.09.2020 verified up to 29.09.2020 (up to 4.00 pm) including pending correct non-recurring UC, yet to receive manually
11 30-09-2020 List of 286 pending Recurring UC VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 29.09.2020 verified up to 28.09.2020 including pending correct non recurring UC
12 28-09-2020 Present UC defaulter list of 293 VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 (updated on 28.09.2020)
13 25-09-2020 List of 317 pending recurring UC VTCs as on 25.09.2020 verified up to 21.09.2020 including pending correct
14 24-09-2020 Reminder of submission of requisition for Recurring Grant for the period July, 2020 to September, 2020 through online in iOSMS portal of DVET(2nd phase).
15 24-09-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration of VTCS Teachers/ Instructors for the month of October, 2020
16 18-09-2020 Serious caution notice for UC pending VTCs
17 10-09-2020 Notification for online submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 and subsequent online requisition for Recurring Grant in iOSMS portal (2nd Phase)
18 09-09-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for 17 VTCs in the Financial Year 2020-21
19 04-09-2020 Notice in connection with status of submission of Recurring Grant of VTCs through online in i-OSMS portal as on 5.00 pm
20 04-09-2020 Continuing conduct of online classes, other academic works in the month of September, 2020
21 03-09-2020 Notice in connection with status of submission of requisition for recurring grant of VTCs through online
22 03-09-2020 Notification for release of recurring grant up to June, 2020 for 41 VTCs in the financial year 2020-21
23 03-09-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration of VTC Teachers / Instructors for the month of September, 2020
24 28-08-2020 Reminder of submission of requisition for Recurring Grant for the period July,2020 to September,2020 through online in iOSMS portal of DVET
25 24-08-2020 Notification in connection with final status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal
26 21-08-2020 Extension of time period for online submission of utilization certificate of Recurring Grant sanctioned up to June, 2020 through iOSMS portal of DVET
27 20-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as 2.00 pm (19.08.2020)
28 17-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as on 11 am and dt. 17.08.2020
29 15-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as on 5 pm and dt. 14.08.2020
30 15-08-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June,2020 for 13 VTCs in the F.Yr 2020-21
31 11-08-2020 Extension of time period for online submission of utilization certificate of recurring grant sanctioned up to June, 2020 through iOSMS portal of DVET
32 10-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as on 2.30 pm and dt. 10.08.2020
33 03-08-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration for the month of August, 2020
34 03-08-2020 Continuing conduct of online classes,other academic works in the month of August ,2020
36 22-07-2020 Important notification for submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to JUNE, 2020 and subsequently requisition for Recurring Grant through online in iOSMS portal
37 17-07-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for VTCs in the F. Yr 2020-21 (3rd Phase)
38 07-07-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration for the month of July, 2020
39 03-07-2020 Continuing conduct of online classes, other academic related work in the month of July, 2020
40 03-07-2020 Order of closure of VTCs up to 31.07.2020
41 19-06-2020 Annexure-J to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
42 19-06-2020 Annexure-I to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
43 19-06-2020 Annexure-H to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
44 19-06-2020 Annexure-G to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
45 19-06-2020 Annexure-F to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
46 19-06-2020 Annexure-E to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
47 19-06-2020 Annexure-D to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
48 19-06-2020 Annexure-C to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
49 19-06-2020 Annexure-B to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020
50 19-06-2020 Annexure-A to Order No. 085-VET/2020-21 dt- 19.06.2020