
Serial No. Date Notices
1 01-12-2020 List of pending 105 VTCs verified up to 01.12.2020, not yet received
4 24-11-2020 List of 119 pending VTCs verified up to 24 November 2020, not yet received
5 24-11-2020 Tips for Grantee VTCs to submit UC through online for the period July 2020 to September 2020 and subsequent requisition for the period October 2020 to December 2020
6 23-11-2020 Notification for sanction and release of Recurring Grant for the period July, 2020 to September, 2020 in favour of Grentee VTCs (3rd phase)
7 23-11-2020 List of 130 pending VTCs (manual submission of long pending UC ) verified upto 23.11.2020 , not yet received, tending towards suspension of VTC programme from December 2020
8 18-11-2020 List of 144 pending VTCs verified upto 18.11.2020, not yet received, tending towards suspension of VTC programme from December 2020.
10 06-11-2020 2. Important notification for submission of UC for Recurring Grant July,2020 to September,2020 and subsequent requisition for Recurring Grant from October,2020 to December,2020 through online in iOSMS portal
11 04-11-2020 Pending list of 68 VTCs not submitted UC through online as on 04.11.2020.
12 03-11-2020 Caution Notice for online submission of UC by few VTCs still pending
13 03-11-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration of VTCS Teachers/ Instructors for the month of November, 2020
14 02-11-2020 Updated pending List of 188 VTCs not submitted UC manually as on 02.11.2020 up to 11.30 AM tending to go ahead towards suspension of VE and T Programme
15 16-10-2020 Updated pending List of 170 VTCs not submitted UC through online in iOSMS Portal as on 16.10.2020 up to 2.45 PM
16 16-10-2020 Updated pending List of 223 VTCs not submitted UC manually as on 16.10.2020
17 16-10-2020 Notification for sanction and release of recurring grant through iOSMS from July, 2020 to September, 2020 for 376 VTCs in 2nd Phase
18 15-10-2020 Pending list of 155 VTCs not submitted UC through online as on 15 th Oct,2020 at 5.00 pm
19 14-10-2020 Notice for sanction and release of recurring grant to VTCs based on online requisition (1st phase)
20 14-10-2020 Notice for extension of online submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 and subsequent online Requisition for Recurring Grant in iOSMS portal
21 12-10-2020 List of 234 pending VTCs (manual submission of long pending UC) verified up to 09.10.2020,not yet received
22 09-10-2020 NotifiNotification for Release of Further Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for 33 VTCs In the Financial Year 2020-21cation For Real
23 05-10-2020 Notification of Online submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 and subsequent online requisition for Recurring Grant in iOSMS portal
24 05-10-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for 59 VTCs in the Financial Year 2020-21
25 05-10-2020 List of 253 pending recurring UC VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 05.10.2020 verified up to 04.10.2020
26 01-10-2020 List of 278 pending recurring UC VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 01.10.2020 verified up to 30.09.2020 including pending correct non-recurring UC, yet to receive manually
27 30-09-2020 Commencement of Online Registration and Examination Enrollment Form Fill up for HS Level HS Voc Courses of class-XI students admitted at VTCs in the session 2020-21
28 30-09-2020 List of 282 pending recurring UC VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 30.09.2020 verified up to 29.09.2020 (up to 4.00 pm) including pending correct non-recurring UC, yet to receive manually
29 30-09-2020 List of 286 pending Recurring UC VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 as on 29.09.2020 verified up to 28.09.2020 including pending correct non recurring UC
30 28-09-2020 Present UC defaulter list of 293 VTCs out of 317 VTCs notified on 25.09.2020 (updated on 28.09.2020)
31 25-09-2020 List of 317 pending recurring UC VTCs as on 25.09.2020 verified up to 21.09.2020 including pending correct
32 24-09-2020 Reminder of submission of requisition for Recurring Grant for the period July, 2020 to September, 2020 through online in iOSMS portal of DVET(2nd phase).
33 24-09-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration of VTCS Teachers/ Instructors for the month of October, 2020
34 18-09-2020 Serious caution notice for UC pending VTCs
35 10-09-2020 Notification for online submission of UC for Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 and subsequent online requisition for Recurring Grant in iOSMS portal (2nd Phase)
36 09-09-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June, 2020 for 17 VTCs in the Financial Year 2020-21
37 04-09-2020 Notice in connection with status of submission of Recurring Grant of VTCs through online in i-OSMS portal as on 5.00 pm
38 04-09-2020 Continuing conduct of online classes, other academic works in the month of September, 2020
39 03-09-2020 Notice in connection with status of submission of requisition for recurring grant of VTCs through online
40 03-09-2020 Notification for release of recurring grant up to June, 2020 for 41 VTCs in the financial year 2020-21
41 03-09-2020 Online requisition of monthly remuneration of VTC Teachers / Instructors for the month of September, 2020
42 28-08-2020 Reminder of submission of requisition for Recurring Grant for the period July,2020 to September,2020 through online in iOSMS portal of DVET
43 24-08-2020 Notification in connection with final status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal
44 21-08-2020 Extension of time period for online submission of utilization certificate of Recurring Grant sanctioned up to June, 2020 through iOSMS portal of DVET
45 20-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as 2.00 pm (19.08.2020)
46 17-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as on 11 am and dt. 17.08.2020
47 15-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as on 5 pm and dt. 14.08.2020
48 15-08-2020 Notification for release of Recurring Grant up to June,2020 for 13 VTCs in the F.Yr 2020-21
49 11-08-2020 Extension of time period for online submission of utilization certificate of recurring grant sanctioned up to June, 2020 through iOSMS portal of DVET
50 10-08-2020 Notice in connection with status of UC submission of VTCs through online in iOSMS portal as on 2.30 pm and dt. 10.08.2020